Among Rize Artvin Van airline tickets, the cheapest one is one of Türk Hava Yolları airline tickets. Türk Hava Yolları airlines are competitive with 3,689 TL prices on this route.
From Airport
Rize Artvin Airport
Destination Airport
Cheapest Price
Most Popular Airline
Among Rize Artvin Van airline tickets, the cheapest one is one of Türk Hava Yolları airline tickets. Türk Hava Yolları airlines are competitive with 3,689 TL prices on this route.
In which months can I find a cheaper Rize Artvin Van flight ticket? The answer to this question is May, July and April months according to the data we have. If you are wondering about the months when it is difficult to find affordable tickets, we can specify them as follows: July, April and March
If you're only going to buy a one-way flight ticket between Rize Artvin Van, it's possible to find 3,689 TL prices for 3 months in the near future. If you're interested in the Rize Artvin Van round-trip airfare price, then you might want to check out the best price 9,354 TL we found.
By purchasing Rize Van bus ticket you can travel cheaper by bus between Rize Van.
How much time before the flight will be more affordable if the ticket is bought? According to our calculations, if you buy Rize Artvin Van flight tickets 13 days in advance, you're more likely to get affordable prices.
Transportation from the City Center to Rize Artvin Airport
There are many transportation options from Rize and Artvin city centers to Rize Artvin Airport. It is possible to reach the airport by public transportation by bus, minibus, minibus, Havaş services departing from the center. It takes approximately 30-45 minutes from Rize city center to the airport. The journey time from Artvin city center to Rize Artvin Airport is approximately 1.5 hours.
You can rent a car or take a taxi to reach Artvin and Rize Airports more comfortably and in a shorter time.
Transportation from Van Ferit Melen Airport to City Center
Van Ferit Melen Airport, that has international connections since the year 2009, is an airport located in easternmost point of Turkey. The nearest airport is the Hoy Airport located in Iran and the airport is the first among others in Turkey that satellite landing system had been established. Ferit Melen Airport that is among first airports in Turkey built with unmilitary status has direct flight connections that are operated regularly from/to Ankara and Istanbul and indirect connections with other cities through Turkish Airlines, Atlas Jet and Pegasus Airlines.
Transportation from Ferit Melen Airport to the city center of Van which is 8 km away is provided through services of taxis, busses, mini buses, shuttle buses of Turkish Airlines and Anadolu Jet.
For passengers who consider reaching to Van from the airport through taxi, might have 10 or 15 minutes long journey with a taxi that might be taken in front of domestic and international terminals of the airport.
For the passengers who would like to go to the city center through public bus services, might again use bus services once in every 20-30 minutes in front of the security gate of the airport, 300 meters away from the terminal building of the airport. Additionally, there are mini busses going to city center that are going through the airport intersection, 900 meters away from the terminal building. As another option, through mini busses services operating regularly on hourly basis, the city center, bus station, marina, train station or other destinations can be reached directly or indirectly.
For the passengers of Turkish Airline and Anadolu Jet, there are shuttle services between the airport and Erciş, Şemdinli and Yüksekova.
Ferit Melen Airport Contact Information
Address: Eminpaşa, Havaalanı Yolu No: 31, 65040 Van Merkez/Van, Türkiye
Phone: +90 (432) 227 00 01
Fax Number: +90 (432) 227 00 05
Airlines | Number of Daily Flights | Flight Ticket Prices |
Turkish Airlines | 3 | 7,313.99 |