There are 20 flights operating between Istanbul and Kahramanmaras. You may find frequent flights from Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir to Kahramanmaras.
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There are 20 flights operating between Istanbul and Kahramanmaras. You may find frequent flights from Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir to Kahramanmaras.
You can travel cheaper to Kahramanmaras by purchasing Kahramanmaraş bus ticket.
Are you looking for cheap fares for Kahramanmaras flights? In the coming 3 months: Ankara Kahramanmaras 3,031 TL, Antalya Kahramanmaras 2,852 TL and Bodrum Kahramanmaras 3,028 TL
Better to book your flight to Kahramanmaras 52 days before departure to get the best fares on average.
April and June months are the highest season for Turkey, Kahramanmaras. The prices are higher compared to the other periods. You will find the cheapest flight prices in the following months: March and February.
Located on the Silk Road and Spice Road, Maraş is located on the skirts of Ahir Mountain, at the point where the Mediterranean, Eastern Anatolia and Southeastern Anatolia Regions come closest to each other; With its rich cultural assets, impressive nature, Maraş Lion and Maraş Ice Cream, it is a cultural and natural heritage that should be wrapped in cotton.
The 16,000-year history of Maraş, which started with the Hittites, continued with the Assyrians, Persians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Seljuks, Mamluks, Dulkadiroğulları and Ottomans. It is the only province that received the title of Hero because of the resistance of the people during the War of Independence.
Herodotus claimed that the name Maraş came from Maraj, one of the Hittite commanders. The name of the city, which is mentioned as Maraj, Markasi, Sargon, and Gurgum in the inscriptions of Anatolian civilizations and Persians, was used as Germanicia during the Roman Empire, and as Zülkadir under the rule of Mer'aş and Dulkadiroğulları during the Arabs.
Places to visit
Maraş is an open-air museum with its numerous historical buildings and must-see places…
Eshab-ı Kehf Complex, which is the first stop of the route to be determined while visiting Maraş and located 7 km north of Afşin, was built on the slope of the hill with the same name, which has been considered sacred since ancient times. With the additions made during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods, it became the science and culture center of the region. Another 13th century building you can see in the area is the Eshab-ı Kehf Mosque, which was a Byzantine church in the past…
Kahramanmaraş Archeology Museum, which is very rich in terms of ethnographic and archaeological artifacts and consists of 7 halls, is among the important museums of our country. Many finds related to the deep-rooted history of the region and human life await its visitors in the museum, where 30,000 works of art are exhibited.
The construction date of Kahramanmaraş Castle, which is located on a masonry hill in the city center, dates back to BC. It is thought to be between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The Maraş Lion, a very important Hittite work, is among the works found in this castle. Hurman Castle with Byzantine architecture in Afşin, Meryemçıl (Gaben) and Azgıt (Yeniköy) Castles in Andırın, and Babikli, Hastırın, Anacık and Kız Castles are also worth seeing.
Mosques hold a special place in the history of Maraş. Elbistan Grand Mosque, which is a 16th century Ottoman work, Afşin Grand Mosque built by Danishments in 1570, Hatuniye Mosque built in the name of Yavuz Sultan Selim's grandmother in the 15th century, and Haznadarlı Mosque in the Duraklı District of the center are the most important ones to see. The Himmet Baba Mosque and Tomb, which is thought to be 700 years old, is located in Elbistan.
Klimae Hatun Masjid and Taş Madrasa built in 1549, Taşhan, which belongs to the Dulkadiroğulları period and is adjacent to the Grand Bazaar, Kuruhan, an example of 13th century Seljuk architecture in Afşin, 8th century artifacts such as Katiphani and Tüfekçi Bath in the city center, and Acar on Kale Street. Some of the historical buildings you can see in the Turkish Bath in Maraş…
On the way to Göksun, the six-eyed Ceyhan Bridge over the Ceyhan River is a work of the 14th or 16th century, and its length is 157 meters. You can stop by the Grand Bazaar, which was built in the 11th century, and visit the Bedesten and Coppersmiths' Bazaar, and buy the famous chili peppers, peanut butter, tarhana, samsa and Maraş Borek.
Döngel Cave, 57 km from the city center on the Kayseri road, is one of the most visited natural beauties of Maraş with its fantastic atmosphere and surrounding pine forest. Not to mention the beauty of the Döngel Stream, which flows through the cave.
Savruk Cave, which started to form in the Paleocene period, is famous for its stalactites and stalagmites between Karamanlı and Hacınınoğlu Villages. It has been learned that the first settlement in Direkli Cave in Döngel Village of the center started in the Paleolithic Age. The feature of Bulut Deliği Cave in Pazarcık district is that it is a fossil cave that has completed its development. Its stalactites, stalagmites and columns are one of the natural beauties that must be seen. Another cave that must be included in the Maraş tour is the Gümüşkaya Cave, which evokes interesting feelings when entered. There is also a crater lake inside the cave, which is made of limestone.
Tekir Plateau, located in Tekir, is one of the most magical areas of Maraş: It is impossible not to admire Tekir Plateau with its natural springs and lush forests, formed by cool summers and melting snow waters. Local highland honey and yoghurt must be tasted. Başkonuş Plateau, located at the 55th kilometer of the Andırı road, is a peaceful gift in the arms of nature… Yavşan Plateau Nature Park, which has 65 endemic plant species, almost refreshes the blood in your veins with its clean air and lush forests.
Büyük Kızılcık İçmecesi in Göksun district and Ekinözü İçmeceleri consisting of 3 springs are among the important places to visit in Maraş with their healing waters.
One of the most popular spots in Kahramanmaraş, Çokran Waterfall is in Çokran Village of the central district. The natural pool formed where the waterfall flowing from a height of 15 meters spills is an important point in Maraş's mountain and plateau tourism.